Building real estate developer VORM on track with strategy communication
Due to rapid growth, there was a need for a clear and connecting vision and strategy for the future. Together with the client, we built the communication foundation KOERS: a vision, communication architecture and a strategic story. And we helped with the execution.
The challenge
Housing construction and project development face significant strategic challenges. On the one hand there is a glaring shortage of affordable housing and on the other hand a lack of materials, personnel, land and building permits. Add to that the rapid digital and sustainable transformation and significant inflation. In this 'perfect storm', VORM from Rotterdam grew like crazy and launched and acquired new companies. Working on the mutual cohesion between the companies and supporting departments therefore became increasingly important. There was a growing need for more meaning, a clear vision of the future and connecting goals, valuable mutual interaction and knowledge sharing.
The solution
In collaboration with the communication, strategy and concepts departments, we developed the strategic communication foundation KOERS. We formulated a new mission, vision and internal values, a communication architecture, strategic story and we developed a plan. In implementation, we helped develop strategic off-sites and workshops and took care of the CEO's speeches. In addition, we developed an internal purpose campaign and advised on the internal and external translation of the strategy, such as the corporate annual report, HR policy, the website and management communication.
In turbulent times, organizations need a clear and workable vision, strategic goals, frameworks and values. Strategic communication helps the management to formulate its vision in an inspiring and understandable way and provides insight into strategic priorities. This creates a common language and frameworks within which the management and the organizational units coordinate and communicate matters. It provides each business unit with tools to translate the strategy at their own level. The result: better internal cooperation, faster implementation, focus on the right things and less internal resistance. Every change is difficult and as more successes and results are shared and the management takes the lead as strategy ambassadors themselves, the enthusiasm about the chosen direction grows. Now that the foundations are sound, VORM is on course for the future.